Two Dudes Media is formed by the following two dudes. We met each other playing Star Trek Online, both became internet DJ’s for a internet radio station called “Subspace Radio“. Both have experience in the terrestrial radio field, internet broadcasting fields, computer fields, and are in general, just big nerds. We tend to Ying and Yang about a lot of things. Who are we? We’re both two regular guys, with a few ideas and a willingness to make something happen. We’re gonna start small, and hopefully end big, but at the end of the day we want to create something special. And doing something special takes time.
Peter J. Spalding aka ReTeP, aCe, Astien, and Pookie:
From a very young age I’ve always been interested in video games and electronics. My father used to have his own side business cleaning and repairing fans (before they became cheap throw-aways). I used to love helping him do that, and from there have become a tinkerer. My first experience with video games was with my dad’s Atari 2600. From there I’ve been using computers since our family’s first Tandy 1000 TL/3 computer. Whenever we had issues, we just had to bring it to Radio Shack for them to take a look at. Well every time we did, I always paid super close attention to what they were doing, how they were getting into the BIOS, and how they were doing this and that.
The first computer I hand built was a Pentium II system. Moving on from there, I’m currently rocking a system i built that has a AMD Ryzen 5 3600x processor, Asus TUF Gaming x570-Plus Motherboard, a Gigabyte RTX 2060 Super video card, 32 gigs of G-Skill DDR4 Memory, an Intel 660p M.2 PCIe NVMe 3.0 512gb Hard Drive that runs Windows 10, and miscellaneous programs, a OCZ Agility 3 240gb Hard Drive for frequently used Games and Programs, and a 2tb Hard Drive for everything else.
My favorite video games are MMO or Multiplayer / Co-op games. Currently I’ve been playing Diablo 3, Elite: Dangerous, Star Trek Online, as well as several other random games. I also have a 3DS XL and a Sony PSP Go that I play with here and there. Getting even less use then those, are my XBox 360, and my Sony PS3. Mostly the PS3 just plays videos now.
I love technology, and do my best to keep up on the latest trends. Specifically when it comes to PC things, Gaming in general, or to Cell Phones. I love rooting phones, and jailbreaking them, and rooting my tablets. It makes me feel accomplished!
I’ve got some experience in doing streaming things. I was a part of a internet radio station called Subspace Radio. I started as a On Air Personality, and through curiosity, the love of the hobby, and dedication to the friends I’ve gained, I moved up to Station Manager, and then Operations.
Currently you can find me streaming on my Twitch. My Gaming With Retep website is and you can find all the links to all my gaming social media at
Scott F. Lowry aka Jahner, GraveFatal1ty, and Pookie:
The Man, The Myth, The Legend!!! For those of you that have known me for a while know that’s my description. It’s usually because everyone calls me old, but I can deal with it.
My gaming days started out on a Bally Astrocade. Those were out before the Atari in case any of you were wondering and yes I played it on a black and white tv. Moving on. After that it was Atari time. After the Atari is was NES, SNES, N64, Sega Genesis, and other consoles. No I can’t remember so I stopped here.
My first computer though is what set me on my destined course in life. That first computer was a Commodore 64. I spent countless hours playing Super Huey II and trying to figure out how the modem worked.
After my Commodore I got my first PC. I played any and every game I could find. I trudged along with a 2400 baud modem using AOL. I had the high phone bills to go with it. After a while of gaming and such I decided to try my hand at BBS’. I ran one for a few years and have many fond memories of playing L.O.R.D. or Legend of the Red Dragon.
When it comes to gaming I don’t discriminate. I love all sorts of games. My favorite has to be RPG. Games that make you feel as if you are part of their world is the best. I guess my least favorite is shooters, only because I suck at them.
Now let’s fast forward a bit. I now work in IT and have now for coming up on 20 years. Technology has always fascinated me and I am always wanting to have the newest toys. My wife threatens to kill me on a regular basis because I just had to have something lol.
Like aCe, I have some streaming experience. I have worked with Subspace Radio close to 7 years now. I started out as a DJ and have worked my way up. I can proudly say I have been Station Manager for a big part of those 7 years. I am also Assistant Operations Manager for the Gaming Radio Network, our parent company. I have met a lot of great friends while being with SSR and GRN and consider some of them to be my best friends and people who I have always been able to count on.
In closing. I am happily married to my wife Lacy and we have 4 pretty awesome kids. We have animals as most people do, dogs and cats. I work full time but I can usually be found in the chat room for Subspace Radio or in the welcome channel in IRC on The Airlock. I am always tinkering with something trying to make something run better or provide more options for our listeners. The rest of the time I am playing a game on the PC or Xbox One. There is never enough time in the day for it all it seems hehe.